kandziora photo


One Hardcore night at a Sushi House in Toronto with Homewrecker and Weekend Nachos

Tuesday - 07.05.2013 - Izakaya Sushi House, Toronto

When today (21.09.2023) Weekend Nachos announced that they are coming back for a few shows I was first excited and then wondered when I saw them for the first time. It was more than 10 years ago in a sushi restaurant in Toronto, Canada. That was a totally awesome show where you could drink a warm sake between the bands. It was also the time when I started taking pictures. At that time with my first camera, a Canon 600D, which was stolen years later in the Berlin Ringbahn. Anyway, I never published the pictures of Weekend Nachos and Homewrecker because I never really liked them. That was kind of my first attempt at concert photography ever. But when I looked through them now for the memory, I wanted to share them after all.

If you are interested in the pics of the whole north america trip.

A small, beautiful memory of a wonderful evening in Toronto 10 years ago.

Homewrecker | Weekend Nachos

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  • © by kandziora photo | Jörg Kandziora